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Wahoo?is a?cross and circle board game that involves moving a set number of marbles around the board, trying to get them into the safety zone. The game is alleged to have originated in the?Appalachian?hills, but it is nearly identical to?Mensch ?rgere Dich Nicht, a German board game originating in 1907. Most boards are used by four to six players.?Wahoo has been a popular game for decades.
Number of Players: 2 to 4
Object: To be the first player to move all of their own marbles out of the starting area, around the board, and into home.
Setting Up: Each player places his marbles in the starting area. After setting up, each player rolls the die. The highest number goes first, then play proceeds to the left. If two or more players roll the same number, they roll again to break the tie.
Die: The die that is being used in the game must be a normal 6-sided die that has pointed corners. The sides of the die must be about a centimeter long.
Jackaroo?is a?board game?played with Cards, Marble, and Wooden Boards for up to four players, whose objective is to be the first player to have all four playing pieces reach the player’s home section of the?board. The Goal of the?game?is to put all your and your teammate marbles in the Base.
Playing: To move a marble out of the Starting Area to the Starting Position, a player must roll a 1 or a 6. The Starting Position is the space just outside, and to the left of, the Home Area. After rolling a 1 or 6 a marble is placed on the Starting Position. If the player rolled a 6 they are allowed to roll again.
There is no limit to how many extra turns are allowed in regards to this rule. As long as a 6 is rolled, the player is allowed an extra turn. A player may never land on or pass one of his own marbles. If the number rolled on a player’s turn puts him on or ahead of his own marble he must move the one in front.
If a marble lands on a space already occupied by an opponent?s marble, the opponent?s marble goes back to that player’s Starting Area. If a player rolls a number that does not allow a marble to be moved, that turn is completed and goes to the next player in the sequence
Winning: The game is won when the first person has all his marbles safely home. You must roll exact # of spaces on die to move your marbles into home. If correct # is not rolled then cannot move it is the next players turn. The game may be continued to see who gets second place, and so on.