Welcome to the enchanting world of Gabby’s Dollhouse with the Kitty Fairy’s Garden Treehouse Transforming Playset! This incredible playset is inspired by the magical Cotton Candy Tree from the show, bringing your child’s imagination to life in a new way.
The Garden Treehouse Playset features battery-operated lights, a transforming canopy, a secret room, vine zipline, a swing, figures, accessories, and furniture pieces your child can use to create imaginative adventures. With Kitty Fairy and an exclusive 3.5-inch-tall Gabby Girl figure, your little ones can explore the two floors of the treehouse and discover all its beautiful features.
Some key features of the Kitty Fairy’s Garden Treehouse include:
Lights that are battery-operated
The secret room is revealed by spinning the thumbwheel.
Vine zipline for imaginative play
Furniture pieces like a swinging petal chair, a ladder to reach the second floor, a chair, and a dining table for garden tea parties
Cat topiary that spins
Dollhouse Delivery with a surprise watering can accessory.
Compatible with Gabby’s Purrfect Dollhouse (sold separately)
Suitable for children aged three and up
After a day of fun-filled pretend play, your child can store all their treasures inside the treehouse and scan the QR code inside the Dollhouse Delivery to unlock a special reward in the free Gabby’s Dollhouse App (available on iOS and Android). The Kitty Fairy’s Garden Treehouse Transforming Playset is the ultimate gift for kids aged three and up, encouraging imaginative play and creativity while providing hours of fun.